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We ADORE these chestnut pancakes! And it’s such a fun way to eat breakfast.  We enjoy these on weekends and holidays when we don’t have the madness of the morning school run.  We alternate these with banana pancakes which we also love but these are more reminiscient of regular pancakes from my childhood.

They are paleo, vegetarian, gluten free, dairy free, sugar free, high fibre and full of nutrients.

But these pancakes are more than a nutritious meal – they’re a family bonding experience and we love to get really lavish with fruit, yogurt and the delicious berry compote I made to go with these.  The kids love the fun of pancakes and the parents can relax knowing the kids are getting a great hit of protein, nutrients and psychological wellbeing.  The added bonus of the lack of gluten and other harmful components is a winner too.

The compote is optional – as you can see in the video below, my daughter ate hers completely by themselves – but it was an easy, delicious addition.  I just added frozen blueberries and strawberries from Sainsburys and let them simmer until it was thick and gooey.

You can also view the video where I make the pancakes and then we enjoy them for breakfast.

Chestnut Pancakes

A healthy alternative to standard pancakes

  • Prep Time5 min
  • Cook Time10 min
  • Total Time15 min
  • Course
  • Servings
    • 4 People


  • 100 Grams Chestnut Flour
  • 1 Tablespoon coconut flour
  • 2 Large Eggs
  • 200 Grams Water
  • 1/2 Teaspoon Ground Cardamom
  • 1/2 Teaspoon Ground Cinnamon Preferably raw true ceylon
  • Coconut oil to cook pancakes in A small amount to cover the pan
  • Sea salt To Taste



Add Dry ingredients to a bowl then make a well and add the eggs.


Whisk the eggs into the dry ingredients with a fork then add the water and mix until combined.


Leave to sit for 15 minutes. There should be no lumps left in your mixture after this time.


Put a small amount of coconut oil into 2 small frying pans. Put them on a medium low heat and when the coconut oil has melted use a pastry brush to spread the oil.


Add a ladleful of the batter and tilt the frying pan to spread it around.


Once the pancake has stopped sticking to the bottom of the pan flip it over and cook the other side. Keep repeating this process until all the pancakes are cooked.


Enjoy with a berry compote, some natural syrup, lemon and coconut sugar/erythritol or some yogurt. I tried kefir yogurt with this batch and it was delicious!


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Chestnut Pancakes Recipe

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