These spelt muffins are great – another sneaky way of getting veg into treats and I often make them for school bake sales as the adults like them too! They’re also an easy make-ahead option for breakfast on busy mornings.
They’d be great to pack in lunchboxes for school too – they are filling and healthy, and the children will feel like they are getting a treat. They are great fun to make so you could even get the kids to join in and help you.
I adapted my spelt muffins from this recipe so definitely check out Laura’s site. My version contains no refined sugar. Instead I use coconut blossom nectar, which comes from the flowers of the coconut tree. This is a low-GI, low-fructose sweetener.
Spelt is easier to digest than traditional wheat flour, so it’s great for avoiding bloating and other unpleasant symptoms if you have a sensitive tummy. Using wholemeal flour gives you the benefits of the whole grain and is far more nutritious than white flour. However, spelt does contain gluten and is not suitable for those on a strict gluten-free diet.
Raw cinnamon has SO many benefits but it has to be the true ceylon type. The standard ground cassia you buy at the supermarket doesn’t have any of the benefits.
Spelt, Pumpkin Seed, Apple & Carrot Muffins

A nourishing whole food mini meal for the whole family
- Prep Time20 min
- Cook Time30 min
- Total Time50 min
- Course
- Servings
- 12 Large
- 300 g Wholemeal Spelt Flour
- 1 Tbsp Baking Powder
- 1 Tbsp Ground Cinnamon or Mixed Spice
- 1/4 Tsp Sea Salt
- 150 g Unsalted Butter Melted
- 160 g Coconut Blossom Nectar
- 4 Large Eggs
- 1 Large Carrot Peeled and Grated
- 2 Medium Apples Peeled and Grated
- 50 g Pumpkin Seeds
- 30 g Currants/dried fruit Optional
- Topping
- 50 g Pumpkin Seeds
- Coconut Sugar to sprinkle
Preheat the oven to 180c/160c fan/gas 4 and prepare a muffin tray. I use silicone but if using metal then pop paper cases in.
Start by mixing the flour, cinnamon or mixed spice and baking powder in a bowl. In another bowl whisk the wet ingredients with a fork – butter, eggs and coconut nectar until they are well combined. Then add the wet ingredients to the dry and combine well using a wooden spoon and then add the carrot, apple and pumpkin seeds and dried fruit if using and stir until they are evenly distributed in the bowl.
Spoon the mixture into the muffin cases. Finally, sprinkle the remaining pumpkin seeds over the top along with a little coconut sugar. The muffins should be baked for around 25-30 minutes (when a knife comes out dry). They don’t go particularly brown on top, so don’t wait for that otherwise they could end up a bit dry. When ready they should have risen and be springy if you gently press one on top.
These muffins will keep for 2-3 days in an airtight container.
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