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Treat Trunk Healthy Snack Box Oct 22 Vegan Dairy Free
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October 2022 Treat Trunk

As the colder weather sets in, we start to fill our boxes with more comforting foods with warmer flavours. We loved so many items from

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Treat Trunk Healthy Snack Box Sept 22 Vegan Dairy Free
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September 2022 Treat Trunk

Enjoy this eclectic box of healthy treats during this unusually warm September weather! We limited chocolate to 1 bar to avoid boxes of melty chocolate

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Aug 22 Treat Trunk Healthy Vegan Snack Box
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August 2022 Treat Trunk

Our last box before we can bring back the chocolate! Instead of chocolate bars we included chocolate flavoured and coated goodies that can hopefully withstand

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July 22 Treat Trunk Healthy Vegan Snack Box
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July 2022 Treat Trunk

Enjoy the summer weather with this awesome selection of (mostly) non melty snacks.. Comment below with your favourite! Our mini boxes contain a selection of

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Treat Trunk Healthy Snack Box June 22 Vegan Dairy Free
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June 2022 Treat Trunk

An amazing selection of summer snackage for early morning runs and late afternoon picnics.. Comment below with your favourite! Our mini boxes contain a selection

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May 22 Treat Trunk Wide
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May 2022 Treat Trunk

A great selection of snacks to take out and about as the weather gets warmer.. Comment below with your favourite! Our mini boxes contain a

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1200 wide. Treat Trunk April 22 Healthy Vegan Snacks
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April 2022 Treat Trunk

A healthier selection of Easter goodies here with a couple of extra special ones!  Comment below with your favourite! Our mini boxes contain a selection

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March 22 Healthy Vegan Snack Box
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March 2022 Treat Trunk

Lots of cosy and fulfilling snacks featured in our March box as we say goodbye to the colder weather. .  Comment below with your favourite!

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Treat Trunk Healthy Vegan Snack Box Delivery February 22
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February 2022 Treat Trunk

This month we’re feeling full of love for our subscribers and so decided to treat them with an extra special box! Our full size box

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January 22 Treat Trunk Full Size Healthy Vegan Snack Box
Past Boxes

January 2022 Treat Trunk

Happy new year! We hope you had a fantastic Christmas and aren’t feeling too sluggish from all the mince pies 😄 As we approach a

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